Thursday, September 16, 2010

RE: DADT - How Will the Military Integrate Gays and Straights?

RE: Gays serving openly in the military.  How do you feel the issue of housing, showering etc. would be met?  Women and men military members don't live or bath together for the obvious reason of sexual attraction.  If gays are integrated with straights in this setting it would be very uncomfortable for straights.  However, if gays are in these types of situations together it would be the same as having female and males together.  What's the answer?

At the risk of sounding glib, the answer is that it is already happening. There are more gays in the military than you probably would guess. They are already sharing showers and barracks with the rest of the troops.

Contrary to some people's fears, most gays are not on the prowl to recruit straight people into our ranks and we are capable of keeping our work life separate from our social lives. If anything, serving openly will allow gays and straights to establish their boundaries more clearly. A gay guy or woman isn't likely to hit on a straight person if they know they aren't interested. Taking that mystique away will probably be a breath of fresh air for those who are constantly afraid of dropping the soap in the shower!

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